The Most Unique Pitch Competition of 2015!

Have a great web / mobile / software idea but don’t have $10K’s or $100K’s to build it?

Are you willing to give up some equity to find a trusted technology partner?



Skip the cash and go straight to product…
Win a fully-functional MVP of your idea!

Some of the clients we’ve built technology for

Pre-register your interest!
Full application & details will come later!

Techuity will soon be announcing official details and dates for the first annual Pitch Competition, where the winning pitch will have a fully-functional Minimum Viable Product (MVP) developed in exchange for equity.  The equity terms will be entrepreneur-friendly and the development team has a proven record for building quality, scalable tech.

Full details are coming soon… but we want to get an idea for how many people are interested and what kind of ideas might be pitched (need to plan budget and resources on our side!).


In exchange for filling pre-registering, you’ll get at least two things – maybe more:

  1. A head-start!  Once details are finalized, we will send you a private email with full details on what to expect and what will be required at least 1-2 weeks in advance of any public announcement.  We can’t promise that things might not change slightly, but you’ll know first!
  2. Access to exclusive “tips & recommendations” directly from Techuity, via email.  These insights and suggestions won’t be made public to those who didn’t pre-register their interest here and will be sent throughout the pre-competition time period.

If this all sounds reasonable to you, just fill out the form and  you’ll be added to the pre-registration list!

& be sure to spread the word by sharing this page!  We won’t be officially launching the competition until we’ve received enough interest from our entrepreneurial community!

* indicates required
Give your idea a short code name. Could also be your company name (you can change this later)
Don’t spend too much time on this. We won’t be judging you (yet)! Just give us an intro to your idea. Keep it brief.
Tell us how much equity you are willing to consider giving up to have your MVP built. We won’t hold you to this number, but we are looking to see what kind of feedback we get.  This isn’t official or final, so just make a tentative suggestion.
You don’t need to be a student, but if you are currently enrolled at a university, please tell us which school you are attending!

After you click “register” be sure to check your email. Registration isn’t complete until you’ve verified by clicking the link we sent to the email address you provided!